Calendar of Events - Charlevoix Yacht Club Inc.

May 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Events in the next 100 days...
Club open from 1800 - 2100

Friday evening hosted by Suzy & Tim Briggs and Jeff & Joanna Drucker
What would you do if you found yourself suddenly in command of your vessel? Hosted by the Charlevoix Yacht Club and presented by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. At the Club. Reservations not required but, if you can, please let us know if you will attend. Email
Hosting tonight Betsy and Mark Geis. Club and bar open from 1800 - 2200
June 8, Cruise to Boyne City for lunch and back.
Meet on the water in front of CYC at 09:00 to sail to Boyne City
Sponsored by Charlevoix Yacht Club and presented by Lake Charlevoix EMS. $30 per person. At the CYC Annex (209 Ferry Avenue). Reservations required. RSVP to
6/21/2024 - 6/22/2024
June 21, 22 Cruise to East Jordan for the Freedom Festival. 
Outdoor movie Thursday night across from Dairy Grill, Bands Friday and Saturday nights at the marina followed by Fireworks.  If you can’t sail down just join us at the Yacht Docks.
Hosted by the Charlevoix Yacht Club and presented by the US Coast Guard Auxilary.  At the CYC Annex (209 Ferry Avenue).  For young power boaters and all PWC operators.  Open to the public.  Registration details will be provided soon.
Tactics and Racing Rules Seminar presented by Dave Gerber.  Sponsored by Sail Charlevoix and Charlevoix Yacht Club.
July 4 Horton Bay Parade.  Anchor in Horton Bay and walk to the General Store to see the Horton Bay Parade.
7/6/2024 - 7/7/2024
July 6, 7  Beaver Island Race
July 13 View the Boyne Thunder Offshore Powerboats in action in Charlevoix.   12:30- 1:30 Thunder Parade thru Charlevoix.
Charlevoix Venetian Festival begins with Aquapalooza.  Noon to Five at Ferry Beach.  Live Music, games.  Anchor at Ferry Beach to hear the concert.

Calling all Parrotheads: This is your Coconut Telegraph. This summer’s Venetian Festival will pay tribute to the late Jimmy Buffett with a “Margaritaville” theme. So put on your flip flops, the Banana Wind will begin blowing on Saturday, July 20th, at Venetian’s Aquapalooza on the sandy shores of Ferry Beach. The island rhythms of Frank Bama and Air Margaritaville will confirm that it doesn’t have to be 5 o’clock anywhere to begin sipping your ‘ritas and chomping your cheeseburger, as Come Monday, we could all go insane! Charlevoix’s latitude makes for the perfect attitude – so join us this July!
8/3/2024 - 8/4/2024
August 3 Northport Race / Cruise  9am Bridge    Grill your dinner at the beach next to the docks and bring a dish to share.
For the Northport and Garden Island races it won’t be considered cheating if you use your motor.  Especially if your buddy has a faster boat and you need to keep up. Your finish time will be adjusted if you need to stop to catch a fish or go swimming.  Redress is based on the number of fish caught.
8/24/2024 - 8/25/2024
August 24 Garden Island Race / Cruise   9am Bridge  Garden Island beach picnic and Tiger baseball at 6:10. Bring your boom box.  Trophy to the boat and crew that wins the Baseball Night Beach Party.
Call Chris Begrow 215 996 1011 for more information.

For the Northport and Garden Island races it won’t be considered cheating if you use your motor.  Especially if your buddy has a faster boat and you need to keep up. Your finish time will be adjusted if you need to stop to catch a fish or go swimming.  Redress is based on the number of fish caught.