Sponsored by Charlevoix Yacht Club and presented by Lake Charlevoix EMS. $30 per person. At the CYC Annex (209 Ferry Avenue). Reservations required. RSVP to Commodore@charlevoixyachtclub.org.
June 21, 22 Cruise to East Jordan for the Freedom Festival.
Outdoor movie Thursday night across from Dairy Grill, Bands Friday and Saturday nights at the marina followed by Fireworks. If you can’t sail down just join us at the Yacht Docks. www.eastjordanfreedomfestival.org
Hosted by the Charlevoix Yacht Club and presented by the US Coast Guard Auxilary. At the CYC Annex (209 Ferry Avenue). For young power boaters and all PWC operators. Open to the public. Registration details will be provided soon.